Charlie is only one month away from turning a year old! The insanity! Nothing makes time seem like it’s flying by than seeing just how fast a child grows. The last month has been a bit of a blur because Charlie was pretty much sick the entire time, and it’s still lingering. Hopefully this is the last of it and Charlie has a healthy 11th month!

Charlie has his coffee and is ready to go!

Because Charlie was sick, his sleep was all over the place. There were times I had to hold him upright for hours at night or take him for naps in his stroller because he was so congested. I was so afraid we might have to sleep train again because he got mighty comfy sleeping in my arms. But I let him cry for 5 minutes before one nap when he was feeling better, and he was pretty much back on track after that. I’m constantly amazed at what a great sleeper Charlie is, and I truly hope that never changes. It makes me afraid to travel to a different time zone because I’m so scared of messing up his sleep!


My cutie pie with dried snot getting a kiss from Mr. Bee.

When Charlie got an ear infection, there was one GLORIOUS week when he slept 12 hours every night. Then he got sick again + daylight savings and it was down to 9 hours and 4:30am wakings. But I expect him to start waking up later as he gets better and his body adjusts to daylight savings.

Oh noes — Baby jail!

Eating and Sleeping

Charlie is finally starting to eat 2 solid meals. Other babies his age usually eat more and show much more interest in eating. Charlie never seems to enjoy solids too much — the only thing he loves is Cheerios and Mum Mums. I think Charlie will end up being a picky eater alas.

This has been his eating and sleeping schedule for the past week:

4:45am – Wake up, 3 oz bottle (He’s not that hungry when he wakes up)
6:50am – 5 1/2 oz bottle before nap.
7:00am – 10:00am – Nap #1 is 2 – 3 hours.
10:30am – 4 oz bottle
12:00am – 6 oz solids
1:35pm – 5 1/2 oz bottle
1:45pm – 3:45pm – Nap #2 is 2 hours. We usually have to wake him up to keep him on schedule.
4:30pm – 4 oz solids
7:20pm – 7 oz bottle
7:30pm – Asleep

Total Formula: 25 oz
Total Solids: 10 oz

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I love my happy baby!

Every time we’re on the swings someone comments on what a happy baby Charlie is. Two depressed parents somehow ended up with one happy child!

He didn’t take to the slide right away like he did the swings, but now he loves the slide!


Charlie continues to learn new phrases and their associated actions. This week he learned: wash your hands, jump, and the sign for “more.” He will rub his hands together when we ask him to wash his hands, he bounces up and down when we ask him to jump, and he will do the sign for “more” when we say the word. I didn’t teach him that — he actually learned it at his class at Kidville.

At 11 months there are some early walkers. There are some babies that can say mama and dada. Charlie can’t do either, but he does seem to understand a lot of words and phrases. I love teaching him new words! His favorite thing to do lately is to feed me when I open my mouth and say, “Ahhh.” He loves it so much he stuffs food in my mouth whether I want it or not. If it’s something big like a mum mum, he’ll let me take a bite, then he’ll take a bite, and give another bite to me, then take another bite…

Sorry for so many super close-ups of Charlie’s face. I need to mix it up more, but the background is the same playground where we’ve taken a million pictures. And looking at Charlie’s happy face makes me happier.


Charlie is 1/2 Korean, 1/4 Japanese, and 1/4 White. Typically mixed peeps tend to look more white as they get older. Most people think he’s 100% Asian, but some Asian people can tell that he’s not 100%. He can get super chinky looking when he has a big ol smile. He has lightish hair, but my hair was much lighter as a baby whereas Mr. Bee’s hair was dark, so Charlie must have gotten his hair from me.

He looks like he’s 3/4 Asian to me. Would you be able to identify that he’s Korean? Japanese? Just some sorta Asian?

Charlie’s Monthly Updates part 13 of 37

1. The Journey to Charlie by Mrs. Bee
2. Charlie's Birth Story by Mrs. Bee
3. 1 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
4. 2 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
5. 3 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
6. 4 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
7. 5 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
8. 6 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
9. 7 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
10. 8 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
11. 9 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
12. 10 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
13. 11 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
14. 12-13 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
15. 13 1/2 Month Update - The Turning Point by Mrs. Bee
16. 14 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
17. 15 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
18. 16 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
19. 17 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
20. 18 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
21. 19 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
22. 20 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
23. 21 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
24. 22 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
25. Charlie's 23 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
26. Charlie's 24 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
27. 25 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
28. Charlie's 26 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
29. Olive 5 Months & Charlie 27 Months by Mrs. Bee
30. 7 Month & 29 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
31. 8 Month & 2 1/2 Year Update by Mrs. Bee
32. 9 Month and 31 Month Updates by Mrs. Bee
33. 10 Month & 32 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
34. 11 Month and 33 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
35. 13 Month and 35 Month Update by Mrs. Bee
36. Charlie 3 Year Update by Mrs. Bee
37. Charlie's 4 Year Update by Mrs. Bee