I am so thrilled to be here with all of you! I’m a soon-to-be mommy, and have been married for five years to a very talented man.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for two years, but have not had any success so far. While we are still patiently waiting, we decided to look into the adoption process. We believe that there can be good in every situation, if you just focus on the positive. Our trials and difficulties getting pregnant have only opened doors to opportunities far greater than we could have ever imagined.


Adoption isn’t for the faint of heart, and I believe that we were placed in this specific circumstance for a specific reason. I feel that adoption was, at one time, a scary thought to many parents. Maybe even a negative thing. When someone adopted a baby, it usually meant they couldn’t conceive or it was their last choice. Nowadays, I think that people are recognizing that it’s a huge step of ultimate love.  To be able to open your life up to this little life and accept it as your own is such a rewarding feeling. That baby was chosen with a new chance and purpose in life. That is what we want to do — give the gift of love and hope to our sweet baby. We are expecting a call any day now and can’t wait to meet our sweet little baby! We are so excited to be parents!!!

classic sugar cookies

A little bit about me: I was born and raised in Canada, but moved to California shortly after we were married to begin a new adventure. I am currently a graphic design student and full time photo editor.

DIY felt fortune cookies

I am a lover of design, photography, thrifty DIYs, tasty recipes and vintage home decor. I hope to share with you my inspirations through simple DIY’s and helpful tips you can apply to your home and lifestyle!

our baby shower

I look forward to getting to know all of you, and hope you get to know more about who I am through my upcoming posts!