I received a Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector as a gift from a friend a while back, but I didn’t try it until last week. Basically it collects leaking breast milk from your other breast when you nurse or pump, allowing you to collect extra breast milk effortlessly. I never knew how much milk leaked while I nursed or pumped since I always wear nursing pads. But when I forgot to put a pad in once, my jeans were drenched, so I realized that I do have a lot leaking.


You’ve probably heard people refer to breast milk as liquid gold. The reason for that is because it truly is precious. Once I actually dropped a whole 4 oz on the floor after pumping, and I wanted to cry! It’s hard enough to breastfeed, but when you have to add pumping on top of that, you want to make sure you keep every single drop.

I decided to pump and put the collector on my other breast inside my bra. It’s actually very comfortable. I was told you could save a good amount of breast milk if you used the collector, but I was skeptical. I didn’t pump very long, maybe 2 minutes, and while I pumped about 1.5 oz from my breast, I could see I had a fair amount of milk in the collector as well. I added it to the bottle of the freshly pumped milk, and could you believe I gathered about 1.5 oz as well. That is insane! All this time my liquid gold has been going to waste!

If you’re using a single pump, I strongly suggest you get this to help save as much milk as possible. The same goes for breastfeeding… who knows how much milk you’ll collect that would have otherwise been wasted!

Would you try this breast milk collector?