This post was written quite a few months ago but it is one of my favourites and I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it.

One day last week, we decided that Little Tea Cup was ready to start sleeping unswaddled because she was starting to try to roll over on her tummy. I worried all day. I thought that might be the end of our peaceful nights for a while. I thought the poor Little Tea Cup would be so tired from crying because she wasn’t accustomed to having her arms out, that we wouldn’t see those adorable smiles as much. I worried that she wouldn’t eat because she was upset. I worried about….

You get the picture.

So that night after giving her an extra long bath, giving her an extra long baby massage, letting her lazily enjoy her warm bottle and reading her a favourite book twice, I held her tight and explained some things to her. In what I hope was my most soothing voice,  I explained that things in the crib would be a bit different that night and I told her she was a big girl and it was nothing to get upset about. Then I kissed her head, told her I loved her, turned on her white noise and put her down in her crib. She waved her arms like a Miss America winner and then kicked her legs like a horse in a rodeo. I sang her two songs and when I was done she smiled, rolled over on her side and off to sleep she went.

Seriously – that. was. it.

12 hours later I woke her up for breakfast.


I kissed her a million times and told her how proud I was of her and wanted to yell from the roof tops that my daughter was officially swaddle-free. I realize this sounds crazy to anyone who doesn’t have children, but seriously it is exciting!

Then I made a rookie mistake. I thought well if she can do it at night, I will take away the swaddle for nap time too.

It didn’t go very well.

Three days of a very upset baby later, I was about to run in there and wrap her up tight when something  happened.


Followed by a sucking noise.

I stared at the video monitor trying to figure out what was going on.

My daughter – who loved to stick her entire fist in her mouth –  had found her thumb.

In recognition of my appreciation –  here is a letter to my daughter’s left thumb.

Dear little lefty,

I  thank you a million times over  for making an appearance when you did. You have been trying to get the job done for some time now but those four other big sisters of yours just kept getting in the way. As a former childhood thumb sucker myself, I know just how important you are now to my little girl. You are her new best friend when she is tired or just in need of some comfort.

I love that you are always there for her when she needs you most. We don’t have to attach you to her car seat or worry about you being thrown on the dirty floor and you can’t be stolen by the dog (another story for another time). I do however apologize for it might be rather painful for you when she is just about to fall asleep. I can hear it through the monitor and ouch!

Please stick around awhile and continue your good work! I am your biggest fan!


Mrs. Tea