When I was pregnant, I pored over gear guides and blog posts trying to figure out what I would need when Baby P arrived. Now that she is a month old (how did that happen so fast?!) I’ve figured out what is useful for us. These 5 items are used on a daily basis at our house.


For Baby:

1) Sleepers – As much as I love dressing Baby P in cute outfits, she spends a lot of time in sleepers. Cotton footed sleepers with zippers are my favorite. Zippers make diaper changes a lot easier.

2) Boppy – The Boppy pillow is extremely helpful, especially in the first couple of weeks. I was able to lay Baby P on it and use both hands to ensure she got a good latch, then rest my arms on it so they didn’t get tired while she nursed. It’s also great for tummy time and the occasional supervised nap.

3) Burp Cloths – I have a bit of an overactive letdown so I try not to nurse without a burp cloth nearby. Baby P often pops off and I have to catch the milk, or risk making a huge mess.

4) SwaddleMe – These swaddles are great for swaddling novices like me and Mr. P. They are easy to use and Baby P hasn’t managed to bust out of one yet.


5) Snugabunny Swing – Baby P loves the swing and takes quite a few of her naps there. Sometimes she prefers to sleep in it stationary.

For Mom:

1) Travel System – Admittedly this is an item that Baby P uses, but I put it on my list because having the ability to get out of the house is great for my sanity.  I can tell the difference in my mood on the days I leave the house versus the days I don’t. Even putting her in the stroller and walking around the neighborhood is great for my mental health. The Bravo Trio system is easy to use and we’ll be able to use the stroller long after Baby P outgrows the car seat.

2) Coconut Oil – The nurse who taught the childbirth and newborn classes that Mr. P. and I attended recommended coconut oil as nipple cream. I took it with me to the hospital and have used it since day one.

3) Nursing Tanks – My wardrobe these days consists mostly of nursing tanks with button down shirts on top. I like the Gilligan & O’Malley tanks from Target.

4) Colace – After delivery I was put on iron supplements. One of the side effects is constipation. Constipation is never any fun, but after childbirth, no thanks. Colace was a must have.

5) Help – Having help the first few weeks was invaluable to me. I was able to focus all my energy on bonding with and taking care of Baby P. My mom, mother in law, and Mr. P’s aunt took care of everything else. They would take the baby in the morning so I could get a couple more hours of sleep, bring me coffee, cook, do laundry, and help soothe Baby P when she was fussy. I think they are a big reason my recovery was so easy. I realize I’m lucky to have family that was able to take the time to help me. If I didn’t, I would definitely budget for a house cleaner or some sort of meal service during my next pregnancy.

It will be interesting to see how this list changes as Baby P grows. What items did you use the most when you had a newborn?