The Mr. and I haven’t had any type of sex in almost 2 years now. I think there are multiple reasons for this, but they all have to do with me.

After our son was born, I was a little bit cautious about sex for a bit. I wasn’t really interested because I had just given birth, I was nursing, and exhausted. But things got better within a few months and kind of resumed to the norm (as normal as things ever get when you have an infant!). We obviously were having sex enough, because we got pregnant twice – one of which resulted in our 2nd child. However, since we found out that we were pregnant with that child, almost 2 years ago now, we’ve only had sex maybe once or twice, by my choosing. When we first got pregnant, I was nervous about miscarriage, as we had just experienced one a couple of months prior. After that…I don’t really have much of an explanation for things. I think we just got out of the habit (sounds weird calling it that) and I just never really initiated things. By the time that I was hugely pregnant towards the end, I definitely wasn’t interested in anything.

Since having our second, I think I’ve been a combination of exhausted, tired, exhausted, completely uninterested, and just mom-ish. I guess I should explain mom-ish….in that I mean, sex just seems weird now. I know it shouldn’t. I know it’s a normal thing that couples do….but as a mom to 2, it just feels weird. It probably comes partly from the fact that, as a SAHM, I spend all of my days with toddlers. I’m rarely called by any name other than Mama. My conversations, my meals, my daily activities are all carried out with toddlers. Doing something like ::whispers:: sex does not jibe with my normal day-in day-out. We unfortunately don’t have a lot of support around us, so date nights, or alone time is really rare.

I feel bad. Correction: I feel horrible about this. I know that my husband enjoys being physical with me. I know that he takes us not being physical as me not being attracted to him, which is not true. We discuss the issue fairly often. I know it doesn’t make sense to him that sex really isn’t even on my radar. It’s not something I think of or dream about – other than to be concerned about how it’s affecting us.


Most of my girlfriends tell me I should “just do it.” Do it to make him feel good about us. Do it to bring us closer together. Do it because it will probably lead to more sex. Do it because I’m his wife and it’s what I “should” do. I see their point – and they’re probably right in many ways….but I actually take a lot of issue with these responses. I don’t think I would really be interested in having sex with someone who’s doing it because they “should” or because they want me to feel good (even if they don’t in the process).

I keep hoping things are this way mostly because I’m still in the thick of nursing, and still not getting much sleep. I hope that things will change one day without me even noticing they did. I love my husband. I certainly don’t want things to be this way. I’m just not sure how to change them at this point.