I’ve seen a couple of these on here recently from some of the other bloggers, so I thought I would throw my hat into the ring! Currently I’m working out of the home for 30 hours a week from 8am to 2:3o pm. Here’s what a week day in my life looks like!

5:45am – My lovely alarm goes off and Mr. Pbj and I head to the kitchen to grab some coffee and breakfast. A couple of times a week I’ll get up a bit earlier and run on the treadmill, but today is not one of those days.

6:30am – After drinking my coffee, checking my email and social media, and sometimes doing a bit of blogging, it’s time to hit the shower and start getting ready for work.

7am – Mr. Pbj goes in to wake up Mini Pbj and get her dressed. By this time I’m usually finished with my make up, and I’m getting dressed.

7:15am – Mr. Pbj gives Mini and me a hug and a kiss and leaves for work. Then I go to Mini’s room to straighten her bed, get her shoes, and pick out a hair accessory. We go to the living room and I fix her hair and help her with her shoes. Then I grab my shoes, finish fixing my hair, and then if I haven’t already packed my lunch, head to the kitchen to do that.

7:35am – I grab my purse and anything else I need, and Mini Pbj are out the door and off to Grandma’s house. We are fortunate to live really close to my parents so the drive is pretty quick. They are also sweet enough to feed Mini breakfast every morning!

Ready for the day


7:50am – Some mornings I hang around a minute and chat with my Mom, but then it’s one last kiss for Mini Pbj and I’m off to work.

8:00am – 2:3opm – Work. My lunch break comes extremely early at 10:30am, and I don’t usually have another break until my shift is over.

2:3opm – Usually I’m able to leave work right on time, and then most days I go straight to pick up Mini Pbj. I work on the complete opposite side of our town than where we live, so every once in awhile I’ll run an errand before I pick her up if it’s close and I don’t want to drive all the way back across town.

2:50pm – Mini Pbj is usually still napping when I get there, so unfortunately I have to wake her up. She’s already been asleep since 12:30-ish so it’s actually not that big of a deal. I just hate waking her up!

3:00pm – We arrive home and take our puppy out to potty. I take a few minutes to straighten up around the house, put away toys, clothes, and sometimes start some laundry. Then I change into my athletic clothes and get ready for a workout.

3:20pm – I start my workout, either running on the treadmill or doing some videos online. While I’m working out Mini Pbj typically plays in her room or in the living room with her toys.

…Or she tries to work out with me!

4:00pm – I’m finished working out, and change into something comfy. The next hour is the block of time each day where I try to work on something I want to get done. Clean out the car, organize a closet, vacuum the house, clean the bathroom. I also use this time to do projects with Mini Pbj!

On this day we painted with pudding!

5:00pm – Time to start dinner. Mr. Pbj gets off work at 5:30, so I try to get started in time to have it finished shortly after he comes home…unless he is grilling, then I just work on cooking everything else but what goes on the grill. During this time Mini Pbj is usually in the kitchen with me watching/helping, or wandering around playing.

5:45pm – Mr. Pbj is home from work and I’m finishing up dinner and setting the table. Sometimes Mr. Pbj is late or goes to the gym after work, and on those nights Mini and I still try to eat around the same time.

6:00pm – We all sit down for dinner and catch up on the day. We always had family dinners growing up and I try to make it a part of our routine as much as possible.

6:30pm – Dinner is over and Mr. Pbj and I clean up the kitchen while Mini Pbj plays in the other room or outside on our deck.

7:00pm – For the next hour or so we spend some time together as a family. We’ll go for a bike ride around our neighborhood, run an errand together, play outside, or just hang out inside together. Sometimes if I’m lucky, I’m able to work on a blog post while Mr. Pbj plays with Mini, but I usually like to be with them and save my blogging for later.

Taking a walk

8:00pm – If it’s bath night, then now is when Mini Pbj gets a bath. Mr. Pbj and I try to take turns on giving her a bath, but Mr. Pbj probably does it more than I do. It’s kind of like their time together. While he’s giving her a bath, I’ll tidy up a little or fold some laundry.

8:30pm – Mini Pbj is out of the tub and it’s time for Micky Mouse Clubhouse. This is her time to have a little snack, usually fruit, and wind down some before bed. I love to snuggle with her on the couch for the next 30 minutes and just this time where she still lets me hold her!

9:00pm – It’s Mini Pbj’s bedtime. Mr. Pbj and I take turns putting her to bed each night, so on my night we head to the bathroom to brush and go potty. Then it’s to her room to read some books. If it’s not my turn, then I grab my laptop and work on some blog posts. I don’t work on the computer every night, just a couple times a week. So if I’m not doing that, then Mr. Pbj and I watch tv together.

10:15pm – Mr. Pbj and I usually hang out in the living room until now, then we head to our room. We both typically mess around on our phones until we fall asleep. I try to be asleep by 11:15 at the latest, but I struggle with sleeping and insomnia so some nights it can be much later.

11:15pm – Lights out. Another day is finished. Time to get ready to do it all over again.