A dispatch from SAHD Mr. Jacks:

Retirement is something that I have been contemplating for a while now.  I guess it is because I am getting older. I mean hitting 30 has dramatically changed my perspective on life and how I am spending it.  So I have made the decision to lay down my diaper bag, take up the car keys, and start the every day life of a commuter.  I will no longer be the stay at home dad– a job that has defined my very existence these last few years.

Instead, I recently accepted a software engineering position locally here in Salt Lake City.  I now have one more full week of transition from being a stay at home/work at home dad to being a dad who goes into the office for a regular 9-5 job.  The decision wasn’t something I took lightly, though.  After returning from my paternity leave,  I realized that my current position was not providing me with any avenues for career advancement.  I hadn’t been challenged in my programming skills for a while, and  I knew that growth would require a change from my current position.  The fact was that I probably wouldn’t be able to find the advancement I was looking for while also staying at home with the girls– even though I really want to be with them full-time.

It will be a big shift, having to commute a whole mile outside the house versus commuting a full 10 feet from the bedroom to the office, but I think I can handle it.  There will also be no more wearing pjs to work or spontaneous mid-day play dates.  But these are things that I can live with.  The hardest part will be the precious daytime hours that I will no longer get to spend with my two girls.  But we figure that since Little Jacks is in school now and Jack Jack is four months old, that this would be the opportune time to make a career move.


Our biggest distress comes from the fact that Little Jacks had a parent at home with her for her first two years, but Jack Jack will only have had a parent home with her for the first four months of her life.  Ultimately we decided that a fulfilled dad is a better dad, and so with conflicted feelings we made the decision.  Luckily, Mrs. Jacks’ schedule for the coming year is going to be a little bit more flexible than it has been so that Jack Jack won’t need full-time care.

Just look at these cute faces and the ridiculous number of polka dots that surround them!  It is going to be so hard to leave them no matter what the arrangement is!

Edited by Mrs. Jacks to say how proud I am of Mr. Jacks and all the things he does for our family!