Our Hellobee Gold premium membership program has been steadily growing over the past few months, and we are so grateful for your support!

So far, we’ve built four features for our Gold program… to date, they’ve all been focused on making the boards experience better. As a result, our Gold memberships have come mostly from our board community.

To broaden the appeal of our program, we’re for the first time adding a whole new feature to the Gold program: Gold Classifieds!

A screenshot of listings in our Mom/Dad category

Here’s how it will work:

1) Gold members will be able to post listings to the Classifieds! You’ll be able to post items For Sale, items you’re Looking for, Free Offers and Upcoming Events.

2) Anyone (both Gold and non-Gold members) can browse or comment on those listings, and make offers to buy and sell the listed items.


3) Once your item has been sold, you can close out the listing.

A few notes:

* Classified listings will be sorted by the “date the items were listed” (not, the time of the last comment).

* There have been monthly threads on the boards to buy and sell items… we’ll leave up the June classifieds thread through the end of the month, so that you can resolve any existing items listed for sale there.

* We are starting off with four basic categories of items you can buy and sell:

– Kids items – clothes, shoes, carriers, cloth diapers…
– Mom and Dad stuff – maternity clothes, etc….
– Nursery stuff – decor, bedding…
– Miscellaneous – Parenting books/dvds, anything else you can think of

That should cover the basics! If you’re interested in trying out our Hellobee Gold program, you can learn more here and upgrade from your profile. Also, we invited the blogger and hostesses to list items over the weekend, to kick the tires of the new Classifieds software and to help us launch with a bunch of items. You can check them all out here!

* http://classifieds.hellobee.com

Let us know what you think!