The holiday hubbub is just about half way done. The buying gifts and gifting them part of the holidays is pretty much behind us, but I bet almost everyone forgot to get one of the most important people (who probably wasn’t even on your list) a present — yourself! As moms we usually do a really kick ass job of taking care of everyone around us, but we often forget/have no more energy or time left to do the same care for ourselves. Since the new year is just a few days away, now might be the perfect time to give yourself the gift of self care. Often a lot of things are on sale at this point, so half the mom guilt can be brushed aside right there — or gift yourself things that don’t cost a dime, a simple change in your day can be a gift.

I put a little list together of things that would make small but great self care gifts. Little things you can get to pamper yourself, or things that will help give you a head start for the new year (resolution fans). A list filled with workout clothes/comfy relaxing clothes, to just a really good hand cream, think about gifting yourself something that makes you happy, makes your day better and ultimately everyone around you happier. Happy wife=happy life, and the same goes for every relationship — the happier you are the better friend, mom, wife, sister, daughter, employee you will be. Mostly this post is a little reminder to be good to you, because we all need reminders that we are just as important and need to be taken care of too.

after holiday shopping


no.1 workout pants (also good for everyday wear) – no.2 workout top (also good for everyday comfy wear) – no.3 essential oil diffuser – no.4 hand and body lotion – no.5 comfy everyday zip up (good for to and from workouts) – no.6 yoga mat (also good for naps;) ) – no.7 workout bag (good for everything else inbetween) – no.8 bath bomb – no.9 the best water bottle – no.10 passport to prana or classpass (passes to try different gyms or studios in your area)

Whatever it is that you personally need in terms of self care, start the new year by making sure you are part of the care equation. It doesn’t have to be something big, it can be small but still make a huge impact in your daily life. A few very simple ideas/ways to add self care equation for the new year:

  • try something you’ve always wanted to do
  • simply catch-up on very basic and simple you things – a haircut, doctors appointments, dentist, maybe a pedicure? Catch up on life things you’ve put off.
  • spend some time cleaning out your closet. get rid of what you don’t need or wear.
  • eat better! Whatever this looks like for you.
  • start going to bed at a decent hour.
  • wake up early and give yourself a new self care morning routine.
  • try a new workout or maybe be consistent with one you already do.
  • eat a healthy breakfast, or just make sure you eat breakfast.
  • learn a new skill or hobby.

Is self care something on your to do list that is always the last thing you get too? What are your favorite self care practices?