Two year-olds are straight up crazy people. There, I said it. Also, can I get an AMEN??

I seriously forgot how nutso 2 year-olds are. Before Lil’ CG came home, things were, dare I say, fairly easy managing one 6 year-old kiddo. At 6, Lil’ CB is fairly independent and predictable in his actions and wants and needs. We were, dare I say, coasting a bit, even managing to sleep in a bit on the weekend as Lil’ CB went downstairs to watch Netflix on his own (disclaimer: by “sleep in,” I mean like 7:45. And also, Lil’ CB doesn’t have screentime during the school week, so we let him binge a bit on weekend mornings! ).

And now…throw a 2 year-old in the mix and there is absolutely no coasting. None. Because for real, two year-olds are crazy! Here are some things I’m rediscovering about (crazy) two year-olds:

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They are super fast: And stealthy. Totally mobile and in awe of their new found strength and dexterity, they are crazy speedy and somehow everywhere at once. Which means…

They get into everything: And I mean EVERYTHING. Those nice little piles of stuff your 6 year-old has learned to ignore? Avalanches. Those drawers and cabinets you took the child-proofing doohickeys off of? Treasure troves for tiny hands. The books you’ve neatly organized on the bookshelves? Chucked all over the floor. Usually while accompanied by maniacal giggles.


They don’t understand “no”: No, scratch that. They DO understand “no,” they just choose to ignore it. Usually with a smile on their face or a twinkle in their eye.


They are demanding: It’s been said that two year-olds are basically tiny dictators. To whomever first said that, YES and let’s go cry together.

They are very particular: You know that hilarious hashtag #reasonsmytoddleriscrying? Yeah, that’s pretty much parents of two year-olds commiserating together. You want to know some recent reasons why my toddler was crying? Okay, let’s see…the seam of her sock wasn’t lining up properly; she was mad she couldn’t put her shoe on backwards; she couldn’t eat soup with a fork; I tried to put a blanket on her when it was cold; I wouldn’t let her draw on the table with a permanent marker. Fun times, friends, fun times.

You can’t reason with them: At all. And if you try, you just find yourself arguing with a two year-old. And you probably won’t win. Or at least win with dignity.

But you know what? As crazy as two year-olds are, they’re also pretty freaking hilarious and awesome. Sure, sure, we might have been coasting a bit before our two year-old came home, but after a while, coasting can get a little boring. Nothing like a two year-old tsunami to shake things up a bit, right?


Who knew tsunamis could be so cute??

Tell me your favorite facts about terror two year-olds!