Soups are probably my favorite category of food and I could eat them every single day. Nothing beats a warm bowl of soup on a crisp fall or winter day. Even though I live in a tropical climate right now there’s never a wrong time for soup, and I regularly make them in my crock pot. Soups are often much easier to cook than you might think, taste better the next day, and you can sneak a ton of veggies in them. These are some of my kids’ favorite soups!


Italian Wedding Soup – This is one of my favorite soups, and one that both adults and kids love. Just looking at this picture has me craving a bowl so badly. The meatballs and little pasta pearls are my daughter’s favorite part but it’s also loaded with lots of veggie goodness.


Tortellini Soup – This soup is super easy using storebought tortellini. Meatballs or sausage would be an excellent addition to this recipe!



Smoked Sausage and Kale and Potato Soup – My kids’ favorite proteins are sausage and bacon, and they like kale and spinach when it’s disguised in something like soup.


Broccoli Cheese Soup – Most kids love broccoli (little trees) and just the other day Olive was telling me that she missed broccoli because we can’t buy it here. My kids also adore oyster crackers!

Sweet Corn Soup

Creamy Sweet Corn Soup – Corn is another favorite vegetable around these parts, and I like that this uses an immersion blender to get the soup nice and smooth.


Lentil Soup – Lentils were never part of my diet until a friend introduced me to lentil soup. She often had a pressure cooker pot full of lentil soup on her stove because her kids loved it so much, and my kids would eat it when we went over. This soup is super easy and kids surprisingly seem to like lentils!

Cauliflower Soup – I haven’t made this recipe in a while (there is no cauliflower available where we are) but my kids love cauliflower and this tastes so good!

Butternut Squash Soup – Mrs. High Heels posted this recipe and she has rave reviews in her comments, including from me! You could even mix this up by adding sweet potato, apple, and carrot. Mrs. Macaron also posted a Butternut Chowder here.


Chicken and Rice Soup – My dad makes the best chicken soup but he adds tons of veggies that my kids would never eat. So I stick to a classic chicken noodle or chicken rice soup recipe.


Miso Soup – This is one of my kids’ favorite soups, which is great because the kids are 1/4 Japanese! I regularly make this at home — it’s super duper easy and fast and a perfect accompaniment to donkatsu, chicken teriyaki or baked salmon. Olive used to call the little pieces of tofu “fishies” and loved to search for them.

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Do your kids have any favorite soups?