

Archive for January 2019


Responsibilities VS Chores

While Ace was three, and I was at home taking care of him, our home, our pets, a preschool co-op, and a newborn, we fell into some bad habits. Too much tv in the car (baby hated car rides and that minivan dvd system is oh so convenient), too little outside time (our summers are […]

My Future is Now

I am turning 36 this year and while it doesn’t scare me, I do feel differently about how I am choosing my path in life. Last year when I turned 35, I had a peculiar reaction. For the first time, I felt kind of old. Maybe it’s because I work with college students so I […]

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Panda is Three!

Fun in the snow a week ago. Oh my gosh, where did the time go? The day our little Panda was born is such a prominent memory (much more so than Lion’s entry into the world, even though he is the one who made us parents), likely due to the drama leading up to his […]


Lil’ Pizza turns 6: a detective birthday party

We have had a lot of fun throwing Lil’ Pizza themed birthday parties over the years, including parties with a unicorn theme and a tea party theme. Lil’ Pizza was set on having a detective themed birthday party since she dressed up as a detective for Halloween. When I looked for ideas online, I wanted the activities to […]


Older Kids- I Didn’t Expect This

When you are first pregnant, there are a million books and articles and resources for you to read if you want to. There are countless year by year developmental milestones and a bunch of expected social milestones. So I felt like I was pretty well prepared for the more technical side of parenting. But there […]

Raising Children Without Religion

We are not a religious family. I grew up Catholic, my husband grew up Christian, but neither of our families were very involved with practicing. My kids aren’t baptized, we don’t belong to any church groups, we celebrate holidays in a secular way… and with one atheist parent and one agnostic humanist, that likely isn’t […]

On Being the First

In terms of close friends, I have some very close girlfriends whom I have known since college and high school. We have managed to keep in touch throughout the years despite moves across the state, across the country, and out of the country. We cheered each other on as we went to graduate schools in […]

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