

Author Archive for Author Spotlight


Author Spotlight: Robert Munsch

by: Mrs. Schoolbus When I used to teach first grade, one of my favorite authors was Robert Munsch. We all know and love his classic Love You Forever. Who hasn’t shed a few tears after reading that one?! That book tugs at your heart strings, but I love all his books that tickle your funny […]

michael dahl hello genius

Author Spotlight: Michael Dahl

by: Mrs. Chocolate When I started to potty train Drake, I found a book called Duck Goes Potty by Michael Dahl published under the Hello Genius series. Drake took to it very quickly, and eventually even memorized it. While I wish I could say this book magically potty trained him (sadly it did not), Drake enjoyed the story so […]

children's book author jez alborough

Author Spotlight: Jez Alborough

by: Mrs. Carrot My first introduction to Jez Alborough was a few months ago, in an indie book store in Washington DC. I tend to buy most of Baby C’s books there, to assuage some of the guilt I feel over buying pretty much everything else on Amazon. I was with two of my best friends, […]

catherine rayner

Author Spotlight: Catherine Rayner

By: Mrs. Pen I first discovered Catherine Rayner when I was looking for books on sharing and good behavior when we were having some social issues with Jacobi. He ended up falling in love with the book The Bear Who Shared and we seem to have it on a perpetual loan from the library. Rayner […]


Author Spotlight: Mo Willems’ Elephant & Piggie Books

by: Mrs. Cowgirl Aside from the Babysitters Club, never has a series captured my heart so much as the Elephant & Piggie books do! I’ve raved about them many times here at Hellobee, but Mrs. Bee and I thought that they deserved their own full post since they really are just the best! Mo Willems’ Elephant & […]

andrea beaty

Author Spotlight: Andrea Beaty

by: Mrs. Juice When you are reading the same picture books to your kiddos every single night, it’s nice when the book you’re reading is one that actually makes you smile or even laugh out loud, rather than one that puts you to sleep before your kid or makes  you cringe at its somewhat questionable […]

leslie patricelli

Author Spotlight: Leslie Patricelli

by: Mrs. Oatmeal “Mama, kissy? Huggy, Mama, huggy.” You think I would say no to those questions? Of course you can have a huggy and a kissy. And to be perfectly honest, we have Leslie Patricelli to thank for bringing these lovely words into Little Oats’ vocabulary. Her book, Huggy Kissy, was a Valentine’s Day […]

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