

Archive for tag 'breastfeeding'

Raising a Newborn Amidst Multiple Undiagnosed Chronic Illnesses

Looking back and reflecting on my pregnancy with multiple undiagnosed chronic illnesses proved to be a powerful thing for me. I’ve never written about it before, and am surprised how much I remember. The next piece of my past I’m reflecting on, both for my benefit and for awareness for the chronically ill parenting community, […]


My second attempt at Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding didn’t go too well the last time. I basically gave up at the hospital when feeds #1-3 resulted in bloody nipples. The pain was so intense I couldn’t imagine continuing on! I have super low pain tolerance and turns out that my nipple skin was just extra sensitive. Even with the perfect latch, I […]

I Love Formula

We were told to keep an eye on Charlie’s bilirubin numbers after we were released from the hospital because they were rising and hadn’t peaked yet. At our first pediatrician appointment a week after his birth, he was diagnosed with jaundice and Charlie had to spend 24 hours under bili lights at the hospital. I […]


They’ll Never Be the Same Again

Every time I think of them, I think of that children’s song that asks whether your ears hang low. You know – do they wobble to and fro, can you tie them in a knot, and tie ’em in a bow, and throw ’em over your shoulders… It’s my breasts! They’ve changed since bringing another person […]


Feeding a Newborn – going easy on myself this time around

When I was pregnant with my first child, I read everything. I wanted to be as prepared as possible, and regarding feeding, I decided, of course, that I would exclusively breastfeed. Because of course breast is best. And when my nipples were cracked and bleeding and my son was barely gaining weight, nursing constantly, was regularly […]


Breastfeeding Baby Two

Breastfeeding my firstborn was a battle for a long time. We started out well, but fought a shallow latch, tongue tie, thrush, and the need for exclusive pumping. Through sheer stubbornness we never had to supplement with formula, but it was really rough until we finally got things smoothed over at six months or so. […]

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It’s OK if He Won’t Take a Bottle

When I first started breastfeeding Crumb, I felt so bad when I heard someone’s baby wouldn’t take a bottle. How difficult to be kept at arm’s length constantly and the sole person responsible for feeding the baby. I loved breastfeeding but I also loved the freedom pumping offered me. Then my nephew refused bottles and I […]

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