

Archive for tag 'death'

How We Introduced Death to our Toddler

In my last post, I shared about our recent losses within the family and how it’s been a difficult time. While being pregnant and grieving has certainly been a new territory for me, something else that made it hard was introducing death to my toddler. Having lost my brother when I was 19 years old, my […]



After my dad died, I thought I understood grieving. Then 15 months after my dad passed, my mom was murdered. It’s been two years now, and I can honestly say that the grieving process has barely started. The hardest part was the unknown: who did this?? We started making lists but then the coroner told […]

On being a “good enough” mom

It has been 2 years since I wrote this post, and 3 since the death of my mom. There is something about the anniversary of life changing events that brings about reflection. I have tried, each year, to carve out time for myself to really stop and consider how all of this has changed me. […]

My Final Parent

It’s been 4 months since my mom died. It’s been a shock, because she was literally the healthiest person that I’ve ever known. Even though she was 73, she could do anything. She gardened with a machete, spoke 5 languages fluently and had just started driving a motorcycle! She was the strongest person I have […]

books death

A conversation about death

As I was putting my three year old to bed one night, she brought up a conversation about death, completely out of the blue. It went like this. Lil’ Pizza: Why will we surely die? Me: Because that’s just what happens to all of us. Lil’ Pizza: Will I die? Me: Yes, you will die. […]

My sister I didn’t know

I have two younger sisters and I am the oldest of the three of us. This is usually what I tell people when I first meet them, depending on how much I think the person will actually turn out to be involved in my life. The truth is, I have but never knew, another older sister. […]

Choosing a Different Path

Forgive me for posting anonymously, but in order to be really honest here I also need to protect the privacy of my family.  To tell this story I have to go back a bit. I grew up with a mom who stayed home full time, proudly touting Dr. Laura’s slogan, “I am my kid’s Mom,” […]

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