

Archive for tag 'food'


18 Unique Food Boards

My favorite thing to serve when friends come over are charcuterie boards because I don’t have to cook, and there’s something for everyone. I typically include cured meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dips, but there’s an entire world of food boards out there! With the holidays coming up, I’ve rounded up some of my […]


A Week of Meal Ideas

I’ve never cooked as much as I have during the pandemic because we’re home 24/7, there are only a handful of restaurants open here, and we finally have delivery options. Shopping for groceries used to be a chore because we’d go to 8 different stores to get bread, meat, cheese, produce, dry goods, etc. and […]

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Taco Tuesday

We have friends visiting us from the US right now, and they wanted to cook us a Taco Tuesday. I’ve never had tacos with my kids because having grown up in Southern California, I like my tacos super spicy and authentic, and sadly they are not a fan of spicy yet. Then we moved to the […]


Shopping at a Wet Market in the Philippines

I had to go to the wet market today to buy ingredients to make dog food, so I decided to take some pics and share what a local market is like in the Philippines. To tell you the truth after I moved to the island capital where I finally had access to a real supermarket […]


When it Comes to Food Choices For Your Family, What Do You Worry About?

This post is somewhat related to my post about whether nonstick pans are bad for you, because I worry about making healthy choices for my kids, while trying to take all the doomsday articles about things that can cause cancer with a grain of salt. My parents always cooked healthy meals at home, but things like […]


Are nonstick pans bad for you?

The internet gives us endless things to worry about when it comes to our health. In some ways, not knowing about all the potential dangers in the world like when we were growing up was better! But because of my worry wart tendencies, especially when it comes to my kids, it’s usually difficult for me to […]


The Cost of Eating on a Very Restrictive Diet

On one of my posts about the strict diet I adhere to because of my chronic illnesses, specifically the fact I deal with uncontrollable vomiting, one of you all asked me if this made our grocery bill very high. The short answer is: yes, definitely. I grocery shop for myself about every other week. When […]

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