

Archive for tag 'health'


My Final Angiogram

The Mayo clinic has a great reputation, and for good reason. Every time I have gone there the experience is impressive. It’s super efficient and top quality. The doctor who wasn’t involved with my case this time, but who did my last procedure there, stopped in to say hi when I was getting prepped for […]


A Very Tired 10-Year-Old

Recently Charlie has been complaining about being very, very tired, even when he gets enough rest and sleep. This is highly unusual for him, as he always has a lot of energy, never naps, wakes up quickly every morning, and gets enough sleep at night because school doesn’t start until 9am (and we only live […]


Multiple Sclerosis: Moving On

I have had a difficult time processing my diagnosis. At my onset, I was physically very unwell. I couldn’t… function. I couldn’t walk on my own. I couldn’t come up with words I wanted to use. I slurred. I felt like I was going to fall out of chairs. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t use […]


Multiple Sclerosis: Marriage

I belong to a few Facebook support groups for people my age with MS or any kind of Chronic Illness, and one thing that always strikes me as very tragic, is that a lot of people don’t have an effective support system. My husband and I have been married almost 11 years. We started dating […]


Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis

There are several layers to my diagnosis, and I plan to discuss the effects on all three of us. First though, you need the back story. I stopped writing all together because my life was overwhelming. First, with the emotional grief of ending foster care. Second, I had plans to open a bakery with a […]


Preschool is about to begin!

We are on the cusp of a change that so many parents have gone through before – Scout is about to go to preschool. She starts next week –  it’s only on Tuesday and Thursday but it should be awesome for her. I just got back from the “listening conference” they call it where the […]

Effective Mosquito Repellents

In April earlier this year, I was hospitalized with severe dengue fever, a mosquito-borne illness that has reached epidemic proportions here in the Philippines. It’s just recently that I feel like I’ve fully recovered. There are 5 different strains of dengue and once you have a particular strain you are immune from it, but not […]

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