

Archive for tag 'monthly update'


2 Month Update

This biggest change this past month is that I went back to work. The transition has been challenging as we figure out how to efficiently manage our morning and night time routines. I know everyone says it gets easier, and it must since plenty of people have more than one kid, but it’s tough. In […]


Sweet P at One Month Old!

When we brought home Little Piñata over 2.5 years ago, we had to write monthly updates for our agency. Even though it seemed kind of stressful at the time to sit down and write it all out, it really was a great opportunity to check out milestones each month and make a record of how […]

Going Back to Work

Dear Baby Checkers, It’s been real. We’ve spent about the last year together, you and me. Albeit, most of that time was in utero, and I feel like I am just starting to know you. In two weeks you will be four months old and I will be returning to work. To be honest, I’m […]

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2 year / 4.5 year update

So much has happened since my last update (6 months ago! Or, now that this post is getting written super late, almost 8 months ago!). We bought a house, packed up and moved (to the town next door!), summer started and the kids were in daycare only part time (3 mornings a week) and home […]

35 Month Update

We have about one month left before we have a three-year-old in our hands! My little big girl Language:  As Toddler Checkers inches closer and closer to the 3-year mark, her language continues to explode which has resulted in a number of funny conversations between us and our not-yet-3-year-old. On friendship… Me:  Aliya, is Dempsey […]


11 Month Update

This month has probably been the most challenging one for us yet!  He was really dependent on me most of the month, and always wanted to be held. He didn’t like to be alone at all, and didn’t like others holding him either. He just wanted mama! I was surprised to find myself not minding […]


10 Month Update

I decided to separate the posts for Jaren and Noelle this month because Noelle will be turning 3 in just a few days and that deserves its own little highlight. My boy is growing at lightning speed, and while he still feels like a chunky monkey to me, at his 10 month well check, the […]

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