

Archive for tag 'parenthood'


Motherhood has made me brave

Recently I was called brave. It is not usually a characteristic I would assign to myself, in fact quite the opposite. I love being comfortable and safe and don’t often go out looking for excitement. Typically I consider myself kind, loyal, caring, and hardworking. If you are a Harry Potter fan, I am a Hufflepuff […]

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A reminder to myself during the Mommy Phase

I went back to work this week after spending the holidays with two sassy toddlers. While the holiday season nearly always wears me out, this one was even tougher because both girls went through a Mommy Phase at the same time. For eleven days straight, my two 18-month-old toddlers wouldn’t let me out of their […]

The Power of Aha Moments

Last week our toaster died. This was more than a bit of a bummer since toast is one of the only foods both my older boys will consistently eat for breakfast. A few days after its unfortunate demise, I moved the toaster to the Goodwill pile. Almost immediately I noticed how spacious that corner of […]


What Do you Want to Change?

Before we had a kid, Mr. Gumdrop and I had a recurring discussion (or fight, depending on how you frame it) about how much work around the house we each did. To the point where we eventually rated the value of certain chores and then tracked how much we each did, using a point system. […]


Three Under Two: Surviving the First Year

Two and a half years ago, I gave birth to our sweet Graham Man when our twins were 22-months old. Then you pretty much didn’t hear from me for a year or so. Time to blog was non-existent. So, for the approximately 3.2 people reading this who have or will ever have three kids under […]

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How to survive the trenches

Recently we went through the toughest of times, the most emotional, and the busiest. We were flying by the seat of our pants, and there were many weak points filled with tears, stupid arguments, high stress levels and pure exhaustion. In those moments, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and like there was no end in sight. The […]


It’s Okay If This Stage Just Isn’t Your Thing

I always loved babies. I was the teenager that always wanted to help in the church nursery so I could rock babies  I love to listen to their tiny little noises, feel their itsy bitsy fingers wrap around my own, and see those little baby smiles. There’s nothing better in the world to me than […]

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