by: Danyelle of Dandee Designs

We all know how important it is to keep toddler hands busy and engaged, especially this time of year when the weather is cooler and little ones can easily go stir crazy without the extra stimulation. My two youngest children and I recently spent a morning creating these little bird feeders, and we thought we would share the how to with you.


Gather the supplies:
Bird seed, flour, water, gelatin, corn syrup, bowl, cookie sheet, wooden spoon, cookie cutters, measuring cups + spoons, non-stick spray, drinking straw, twine.

In a bowl mix:
3/4 C. flour
1/2 C. water
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
3 TBS corn syrup

Stir until well combined.

Next, add 4 cups bird seed and mix well. Spray your cookie sheet with the non-stick cooking spray and pour the seed mixture onto the cookie sheet.

Flatten out the seed mixture.

Use cookie cutters to cut different shapes from the seed mixture. I didn’t have a triangle cookie cutter so I made one with some scrap cardboard.

Use a drinking straw make a little hole in the bird feeder. Once the bird feeders are dry (usually takes overnight) string twine through the hole.

While creating these bird feeders my children and I discussed shapes, birds, cooking, and measuring. Not to mention the fun we had while placing the bird feeders on bush and tree branches on our afternoon walk!