

Archive for tag 'allergies'

Oral Immunotherapy – Next Steps

We had our teleconference orientation with SoCal Food Allergy on Friday, and got a more detailed understanding of what to expect in our upcoming appointments. Other practices might handle things differently, but this is what we can expect at this facility: FIRST VISIT: The Consultation Our very first visit will be more consultative than anything. This is […]


Peanut Desensitization Using Oral Immunotherapy

The first time I heard about peanut desensitization using Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) was through my husband sometime last year. He had been super excited to share about this new treatment that could potentially eliminate our daughter’s life-threatening peanut allergy; except it required her to be exposed to the very thing that could end her life – […]

Milk Protein Allergies in Babies

At Little P’s 9-month well check, his nurse practitioner confirmed my long-held suspicion that he likely had a milk protein allergy. Starting around 2 weeks, I noticed things about Little P’s feedings that seemed off — mainly that he was very fussy after eating yet he always seemed hungry. He also often projectile vomited and […]


GAPS for FPIES: Part 3

I’m so excited to share with you all the progress we have made in the past several months with Sweet P’s FPIES! If you aren’t sure where we have been, check out my previous posts here and here. Sadly, right after my last post, on her 5th day of chicken, Sweet P had a negative […]


Food Intolerance Testing: Is It Worth It?

There’s a lot of controversy in the medical field (as well as the personal field) about the impact of nutrition on health. Specifically, in our case, about gluten. Some say gluten intolerance is real, others say it’s a made up trend. For us, the issue arose with Little Octopus when she was about 3 months […]


GAPS for Sweet P’s FPIES: Part 2

Before sharing where we are with Sweet P, I feel like I should probably explain a bit about what the GAPS diet is. It’s a bit complex, but the summary from their website says that it was originally derived from the “Specific Carbohydrate Diet.” Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride adjusted her protocol to fit the individual healthcare […]


GAPS for FPIES: Part 1

If you read my last post, you saw that we were going forward with the GAPS diet/protocol to heal Sweet P’s FPIES and immature gut. Because she never had a vomit-to-shock reaction to any foods, we don’t know if she 100% has FPIES or if we are just dealing with an immature gut. Either way, […]

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