

Archive for tag 'cosleeping'


Cosleeping at Age 7

Olive and I have been cosleeping since we moved into our house 4 months ago, and pretty much off and on the past 3 years. When we lived in New York, she slept well in her own room since she was born until the age of 4. But kids develop more fears as they get […]

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We cosleep.

Baby Owl is now three months old, and growing like a chubby little weed. We’ve settled into a comfortable little routine together. Part of that routine involves cosleeping. Cosleeping is a controversial practice in the United States…and it can get confusing, because the term “cosleeping” can be applied to multiple different practices. Some people use […]


Co-sleeping with two?

When we first brought Little Jacks home, we planned to house her in the family heirloom bassinet we had received at the baby shower.  We diligently put her on her back to sleep in the bassinet time and time again, just like my training as a pediatrician taught me.  No matter what we did, she […]

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