

Archive for tag 'occupational therapy'

Still true.

Sometimes Medicine is the Answer

When I was 34 weeks pregnant, after a long and difficult pregnancy, I got a phone call from my OB to confirm my scheduled C-section for my breech Little Lion. The date it was scheduled for: April 1st. April Fools’ Day. I remember wondering if it was really fair to subject our son to an […]

Getting Creative with Fine Motor Therapy

Here’s the thing about therapy: all of these wonderful tools and techniques are useless if your kiddo has no interest in doing them. My little guy is a running, climbing ball of energy. But that also means he does not want to sit and do Occupational Therapy (OT) exercises for fine motor skills. We realized […]

9 Ways to Help an Overstimulated Toddler or Preschooler

I shared a little about our experience with Little Lion’s overstimulation in this post, but I also wanted to share some practical things we do at home to prevent and/or cope with these struggles. Some of these come from our fabulous OT and relate directly to overstimulation, but some are just good coping strategies for […]


Illness Breeds Regression

I underestimated how ingrained our little guy’s feeding and eating habits were from his terrible medical experiences. When he contracted a virus, I thought he would fight it for a week then resume feeding therapy. But this horrible virus brought back his defensive eating patterns he developed when he was in respiratory distress with his […]


Bike Riding Camp as a part of Occupational Therapy

HJ just completed a one-week intensive bike-riding camp at the center where she receives occupational therapy, and I have to say it was the best experience ever. Both for her and for me! It involved going to camp five days a week from 9 am – 11: 30 a.m. With about 15 other children, HJ […]

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